Multicultural Fair

Grade Level: 3rd

Subject Area: Social Studies

Topic: Multicultural Fair

MMSD Social Studies Standards Met:

·      History: Students are researching a culture’s history

·      Behavioral Science: Students will be researching different components of a culture of their choosing.

School of Education Standards Met:

·      Standard 5: Explain and Justifies Education Choices: Recognizing cultural diversity and presenting it positively

·      Standard 6: Connects School and Community: Asking staff, and home adults to attend the children’s final presentations

·      Standard 7: Understands and Adapts to Multiple Forms of Communication: Children are allowed to present their information however they feel is appropriate

·      Standard 8: Employs Varied Assessment Process: informally listening to full group share outs, pair discussion and one-on-one time, the presentations and discussions surrounding them

·      Standard 11: Uses Technologies: Children are encouraged to use the computes and printers for their projects

·      Standard 12: Accommodates for all students: Students are allowed to pick the culture, components and project type to best suit their learning style.

·      Standard 14: Related Well With Families and Communities: Asking for home adult’s input with interview, asking them to come to the children’s presentations and possibly in to be guest speakers.  Asking staff from the school in for guest speakers and inviting them to support the children in their presentations

NCSS Standards Met:

·      Culture: students are exploring the idea of culture

·      Time, Continuity, and Change: The students are required to present information on the cultures’ history and most likely the changes that go along with it

·      People, Places and Environment: The students will be looking the country(s) related to their culture of interest and its peoples.

·      Global connections: Most likely the children will be researching a culture outside of the United States.

Essential Questions:

·      What is culture?

·      What makes up culture?

·      Who has culture?

·      How does culture change?

Materials Needed:

·      Previously constructed lists of culture and features of culture

·      Letter home to parents and staff

·      Research and Project materials

   o   Computer lab time - printers

   o   Scissors, glue, markers, crayons, colored pencils, paper, poster board…

   o   Books on culture

·      Prepared snacks


·      Students will create a project showcasing three aspects of culture

·      Students will be respectful of cultures outside of their own

·      Students will research a culture and use appropriate resources

Lesson Context:

Students have been learning about different cultures.  They have looked at their own culture, cultures represented in our classroom of learners and the culture of school.

      Lesson Opening:

·      We have learned so much about culture.  We learned a lot about our home culture, some things about Hmong, ______,________,______... cultures and about our class and school culture.

·      I think it would be great to share all we know about culture with the whole school.

·      Bring out the lists you previously made with the different cultures the class looked at and the different features of culture.


·      Tell the children they will each get to pick one culture they want to explore further. Allow them to choose a culture the class hasn’t yet looked at

·      Explain that you want everyone to explore at least three aspects of culture during their study, one having to be the history of that culture.

·      Explain that they are going to have a week to research their culture and then another week to assemble their projects

·      At the end the children are going to have the opportunity to present their project to their peers, parents and some staff- after this presentation the projects will remain in the library for a couple weeks so other classes can see their work

·      Instead of the class time usually devoted to social studies the children are going to have time to research their culture

   o   The teacher should reserve books in advance from the school and public library corresponding to the cultures so children will have these readily available

   o   Also reserve time in the computer lab so children can use the internet to research

   o   Remind the students of all the information they gathered from interviews and suggest they interview a person from that culture if they are able to

   o   Recommend students work together with people who are researching the same culture to share information

   o   Recommend they look back in their writers notebooks, and passports for ideas they had as they were studying culture as a class

·      The following week have students begin to assemble their research. Allow them to showcase their research however they think is appropriate.

   o   Have materials available- poster boards, tape recorders, computers and printers…

·      Send a letter home to parents and staff explaining the project and the date and time of the presentations

·      Have students volunteer who wants to present their project to the large group- record names and make a list

·      The day before the large group presentation have the students gather full group with their projects

   o   Have those who are presenting the next day practice what they are going to say in front of the class– also allow any additional students who want to share in the smaller group present


·      The next day have the all students bring their projects up to the library

·      Once everyone is there give a brief summary as to what the children have been studying and what the goal of the projects was

·      Ask students to come up and share their work

·      Have snacks corresponding to some of the cultures presented prepared for children and adults to eat after the presentations. Give time for students to show their adults what they created if they didn’t want to share out full group or for adults to look at and ask questions about the children’s work


·      Students will create a project showcasing three aspects of culture

   o   Look at final project

   o   One-on-one time, discuss why they choose those aspects, what they’re learning

   o   Allowing time for students to share their work in small groups as they’re researching assembling, listening for details, supports…

·      Students will be respectful of cultures outside of their own

   o   Are students mocking or showing disrespect as they learn about a culture

   o   Are students listening as others present, asking appropriate questions?

   o   When students are sharing throughout the project are they using respectful terminology, placing value on these practices…

·      Students will research a culture and use appropriate resources

   o   Look at final project

   o   One-on-one time, what are you researching, where did you find that information?

   o   Are the students taking advantage of all the resources? Computer, books, people?

   o   Are students asking for help when they’re stuck