
Grade Level: 3rd

Subject Area: Social Studies

Topic: Art

MMSD Social Studies Standards Met:

·      Behavioral Science: Students will be exploring art as it relates to culture.  Students will compare and contrast Hmong paj ntaubs to art in their home.

School of Education Standards Met:

·      Standard 5: Explain and Justifies Education Choices: Focusing on the cultures represented in our classroom and expecting respect and value placed on all cultures

·      Standard 6: Connects School and Community: Discussing children’s home lives in relation to the unit

·      Standard 7: Understands and Adapts to Multiple Forms of Communication: Large group discussion, pairs and one-on-one, vocal and artistic assessment

·      Standard 8: Employs Varied Assessment Process: informally listening to full group share outs, pair discussion and one-on-one time

NCSS Standards Met:

·      Culture: students are exploring the idea of culture, their own and others

·      Time, Continuity, and Change: The Whispering Cloth provides background of many Hmong people and how their people have adapted to change

·      People, Places and Environment: The paj ntaubs transformed from just a art form to a way of communicating their stories

·      Global connections: The importance of illustrations and pictures in telling a story is universal.

Essential Questions:

·      What can art be used for?

·      Who makes art?

Materials Needed:
·       Art interview sheets (created by Carolyn Konkol)

   o   Attached file at bottom of page- would also have it translated into Spanish

·      Whispering Cloth by Pegi Deitz Shea

·      Pre-cut pieces of cloth for practicing needlework

·      Needles

·      Chart paper and markers

·      Art interview sheets

·      Traditional paj ntaub

·      Hmong music

·      Book templates

·      Pencils

·      White paper for rough drafts

·      Colored pencils, crayons or markers

·      Fabric pieces for paj ntaubs

·      Fabric crayons or markers


·      Students will be able to tell a story using their paj ntaub

·      Students will recognize art has more than just an aesthetic value

·      Students will be able to identify art in their home and its value

Lesson Context:

Students have been exploring different cultures.  First recognizing their culture and then comparing it to another’s culture through guided instruction.  For this lesson they will be exploring art through Hmong paj ntaubs.

Lesson Opening:

·      Day 1:

·      Students will take home their interview sheets on art in their home and answer questions with guardian’s help.


·      Students will gather full group on the carpet.  Teacher will assign each student their buddy and the children will turn and talk about the information they collected on art in their home.  Children who are comfortable sharing out full class will be allowed to share.

·      Create a list of similarities

   o   Lots of art is hung on the walls, lots of art is made from family members, lots of art had people in it…

   o   Collect interview sheets

·      Read the Whispering Cloth by Pegi Deitz Shea

   o   Discuss the book, have we seen paj ntaubs anywhere before? Where? Do you think those tell a story? –Discussion-

·      Ask the students to return to their table spots and begin writing about their favorite piece of art.

   o   May need to give them ideas, did you make it? How? Why did you pick the colors? Why do you like this piece so much? Do you think it was hard to make…

   o   Don’t have them illustrate their stories today.

§  Can play Hmong music as the children are working

   o   Pull students in small groups as they are working over to show them a traditional paj ntaub

     §  Tell the children that these were the first paj ntaubs the Hmong made, they represented things found in nature such as a snail shell, elephant foot and so on- Do you think these were easy to make?

     §  Give each student two small pieces of fabric and model sewing these together, have the children try with their pieces

     §  Discuss how long it must have taken to make a paj ntaub and how much practice they must have had

·      Day 2:

·      Have the students get out their stories they wrote yesterday.  Ask them to switch stories with a partner and read them independently.

·      When they’ve finished have them gather full group

·      Discuss the importance of our illustrations – in books we make, in books we read…

   o   Was it harder to visualize the piece of art and the story without the pictures?

   o   Pictures help tell the story, engage the reader, foreshadow…

·      Ask the children to review the Whispering Cloth, what happened? What did the little girl use to help tell her story?

·      Tell the students they will be making their own paj ntaubs today

·      Show the children your paj ntaub

   o   Share with them the story it portrays

·      Have the children go back to their seats and brainstorm ideas for the story they want to show in their paj ntaub

   o   When they have their story ready they need to make a rough draft, showing how they are going to lay out their story on the cloth- remind them this is an important step because once they start working on the fabric they can’t erase

   o   Once they’ve made their drawings they need to share their story with a friend

   o   Then they may receive their piece of fabric and begin their paj ntaub

§  Hmong music can be played in the background as they are working


·      Day 3:

·      Have the students tell their stories using the paj ntaub to a buddy and then full class if they choose


·      Students will be able to tell a story using their paj ntaub

   o   They can articulate their story when they are sharing their rough draft, and or final product with a buddy or full group

·      Students will recognize art has more than just an aesthetic value

   o   During full group discussion listen for comments as to why the story was hard to visualize without pictures

   o   When discussing the Whispering Cloth are students able to relate the pictures of the paj ntaub to the words in the story?

   o   Does the student’s paj ntaub tell a story, can the student tell that story?

   o   When the students are working on sewing their paj ntaubs are they vocalizing its difficulty? Can they transfer the amount of work they did to the intricacy in large paj ntaubs? Are they making connections to their artwork at home?

·      Students will be able to identify art in their home and its value

   o   Listen for comments as children are sharing their interview responses with a partner and sharing out full group

   o   If children write about an art piece from their home during day one writing workshop look to see if they are describing why they like it, why it’s important to their family…

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